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IOS) salesforce chatbot embeddedservice-chatheader_chatheader not visible salesforce chatbot embeddedservice-chatheader_chatheader not visible embeddedservice-chatheader_chatheader not visible minimizeButton not visible closeButton not visible # safari 에서 salesforce chatbot 최소화, 닫기 버튼 안보이는 현상 # ios 에서 salesforce chatbot embeddedservice-chatheader_chatheader 안보이는 현상 ■ 해결방법 ( solution ) button[embeddedService-chatHeader_chatHeader] { font-size: 9px !important; } 해당 코드를 .. 2022. 11. 9.
[Django] SynchronousOnlyOperation: You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async. SynchronousOnlyOperation: You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async. 파이썬 장고 SynchronousOnlyOperation: You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async. 비동기 함수 SynchronousOnlyOperation: You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async. [Django] SynchronousOnlyOperation: You cannot call this from an async context .. 2022. 11. 3.
[Django] 파이썬 장고 비동기 함수_ asyncio 활용하기 [Django] 파이썬 장고 비동기 함수_ asyncio 활용하기 [Django] python django 비동기 함수_ asyncio 활용하기 SynchronousOnlyOperation: You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async. 파이썬 장고에서 개발을 하면서, Celery가 아닌 간단한 비동기 함수가 필요할 때가 있다. 장고에서는 asyncio를 통해 비동기 함수를 구현할 수 있다. Python 3.7 이상 ■ 활용방법 import asyncio async def sync_function(a, b, c): test = str(a) + str(b) + str(c) return 'success' def str_.. 2022. 11. 2.
[Django] TypeError: Object of type datetime is not JSON serializable ( simple salesforce ) ■[Django] TypeError: Object of type datetime is not JSON serializable ( simple salesforce ) [Django salesforce] TypeError: Object of type datetime is not JSON serializable ( simple salesforce ) [Django simple salesforce] TypeError: Object of type datetime is not JSON serializable ( simple salesforce ) [Django] TypeError: Object of type datetime is not JSON serializable ( simple salesforce ) sale.. 2022. 10. 25.